Friday, February 3, 2017

Barbara Keinath, Ph.D., Relishes Leadership Role as Interim Chancellor at the UMC

CROOKSTON, Minn. – When Barbara Keinath, Ph.D., was offered the opportunity to serve as interim chancellor at the University of Minnesota Crookston, she followed her own best advice and accepted the role.

“My career path has mostly unfolded as opportunity presented itself and I was willing to take it on,” Keinath says. “All my experiences taught me something, and what I’ve learned over the years now helps me as I serve as interim chancellor. The experience I gain as interim chancellor is preparing me to help the incoming chancellor when the time comes.”

Over the course of her career, she finds the greatest satisfaction in being a part of something that, once established, will be sustainable forever. Keinath was part of the implementation of the online learning program at Metropolitan State University in St. Paul, Minn. “With a team, we built the structure for the first online program and those that followed. The structure is still in place and working for them today,” she explains. “It is exciting and rewarding to be part of something with lasting impact.”

 “At the University of Minnesota Crookston, with its tradition of innovation, people are always ready to think about creating something new. Sometimes, such as in policy development or process improvement, the work is behind the scenes. Other times, such as in new academic programs, it is very visible, I really enjoy working with students, faculty, and staff as they build toward the future.”

Keinath looks back fondly at her college days and considers them among of the greatest times of her life. “I never wanted to leave college, that is why I am still here,” she smiles. “College is a period in life of great decision making and sharing time with faculty, staff, and friends who love this environment. It is like no other time in life.”

She sees her college experience as connecting in an unexpected way to the current student experience. “While they do not connect in every way, I was going to school during the height of the Viet Nam War protests,” she recalls. “I kept going to classes and getting my homework done, but I witnessed protestors down below my dormitory room at Michigan State. It was a time of unrest and uncertainty not unlike what students are facing today. I think it is crucial for all of us to be engaged in conversations about our country’s and our campus’s values. In times of great disagreement, we need more openness and dialogue, not less.”

In many ways, Keinath’s career is a study in leadership. An avid reader, it is no wonder she claims the James MacGregor Burns book Transforming Leadership to have had the greatest influence on her role as a leader, and the touching children’s book Old Turtle by Douglas Wood, which promotes a deeper understanding of the relationship of people to the earth, a stand out favorite as well.

“During this interim period between chancellors, it is our goal to advance our thinking about the future vision for the campus,” Keinath says. “As interim chancellor, a key part of my role is supporting our faculty and students in their ever-so-important day-to-day work of teaching and learning and backing our staff in providing the best possible environment and academic support for students.”

Keinath strives to live and work with authenticity and integrity and the one thing she wants above all else is to earn the trust of those she works with and serves. She finds that fulfilling the needs of the institution is gratifying and thereby fulfilling her own desire to do good work while serving the university’s best interests.

If there is one thing, Keinath would like the Crookston community and the region to know about her is that she is glad she is here. “I would like to think I am making a difference for the better,” she says. “And, I want the region to know I love this place and am glad I came.”

For students preparing to graduate, Keinath has a recommendation. “If someone on campus has made a special difference in your life, tell them before you leave campus,” Keinath says. “Don’t miss an opportunity to tell someone when they have had an impact on you. It will be a powerful experience for you both.”

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